
Kunstpädagogischer Tag Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 20.2.2009



The artist Nezaket Ekici wears a dress made of a persistend material that is normally used in the automotive industry. The material corresponds with the name of the art work: "Defiant" (German: Widerspenstig) already contains the basic message. The red dress is studded with over 4000 individual toothpicks and reminds the viewer of a defensive fortress. In a subtle way, the artist deals in her performance with the topic of defense, speaking about protect mechanisms, which everyone uses. If someone falls below a certain distance to another person, one reacts repelling. If someone comes too close, he can even injure himself. The invisible defensive shield, everyone carries around, will now be made visible in an aesthetic way. During the performance the artist invites the audience to come closer to touch the dress. At the border of the dress, people will be rejected. Standing on a pedestal, the artist takes up several positions, standing like a sculpture, even if the position causes pain. The artist shows, what it means to self-harm in defensive mode. The whole scene is projected to the wall, showing the danger of the toothpicks close up. The viewer has almost the impression that the artist's own defense mechanism becomes visible in this confrontation with herself. The individual is thrown back on him or herself and recognizes that attraction and repelling at the same time is needed, in order not to lose oneself.

Thank to: Fabiola Arellano, Christine Büschel und Natalia Blanco
Thank to: Sächsische Textilforschungsinstitut, STFI e.V. Chemnitz

Red dress, 4000 toothpicks, camera for live-projection, pedestal, spotlights

20 min

Photo by: David Guffandin
Camera by : Katrin Zeise und Andreas Dammertz