
Performance Installation "Burst", opening of soloexhibition „Personal Map, to be continued...“, Marta Herford, 7.10.2011- 8.1.2012; curator: Franziska Brückmann


The performance of "burst" opens the solo exhibition "Personal Map, to be continued ..." and took place in the lobby of the Marta Herford Museum. Between two 80 cm columns which stand at a distance of 6 m in the lobby of the museum, on both sides 6 m long sheetrock form a small room. The artist and 4 actors are trapped between the sheetrock walls. The wall is placed in the room, as if it had always been in the lobby. The viewers do not realize that within the walls are the performer and 4 other actors. The saying, "With your head through the wall", is used literally by the artist. The models and the artist wear stylized burkas - all actors are muslims. The women are trying to break through the sheetrock walls with their physical strength alone. They knock and press against the walls. The audience first hears and sees only the muffled pounding, and small holes in the walls occur. Increasingly large holes occur until the actors can finally deliberate themselfes - leaving the large installation relic. Since every actor has its own form of breaking out, one can almost feel that a battle with the wall took place and that this is not just about the struggle of one single person, but the struggle for personal freedom. The Relic "burst" stands for three months over the whole duration of the exhibition in the lobby of the museum.

4 Actors, 2 sheetrocks (6 m), costmes, assistence, Spotlights, Hifi

30 min

Photo by: Hans Schröder
Camera: Ivo Tödtmann & Andreas Dammertz
Dank an die Modelle: Adile Ünal, Aynur Cirak, Nursel Palta, Sükriye Bekaroglu
Leitung Ausstellungstechnik : Michael Train und Marta Team
Text: Andreas Dammertz