"Geniza "

Videoperformance 2017 - Nezaket Ekici and Shahar Marcus


The video Performance Geniza 2017 is based on the trilogy "TBQ" (Torah, Bible, Quran). It is understood as a research project with which they want to find out how religions and cultures deal with holy books that should or can no longer be used. The video performance "Geniza" refers to a Jewish ritual. According to Jewish law, obsolete and illegible holy books must be kept in a place called "Geniza" (Persian "ginzakh" - "treasury"), which was usually a room attached to a synagogue or a hole in the ground where the books could be hidden. Geniza refers to the ancient custom of Geniza in the Jewish religion. The video deals with the ritual that books thrown into simple caves undergo a process of restoration, so that in the end they are returned to their original purpose and their glory is restored: forming a shrine under the stars. (Text: Städtische Galerie Nordhorn)

Holy books Torah, table, accountant, brush, tweezers, cloth, gloves, costumes

Video 8:42 min MP4 HD 16:9, sound, colour

Performers: Nezaket Ekici and Shahar Marcus Camera and video editing: Eyal Sibi Photo: Maya Sharabani Sound Design: Janja Loncar Species: Caroline Atone Assistant: Noga Rozman, Maya van Soest, Shiran Friedland