"La Bottiglia a Biella"

Chiesa di San Francesco, Lago di Como 2000


"In the center of this installation stands an experience which is connected with a strong impression during an exhibition in Bellia. It begins with the fact which I and some from the course - Antonio Ratti Fondation undertook for Visual Arts - a trip to him of the exhibition. The exhibition rooms which stretch more than three floors, are fitted out with works of a lot of artists and are well visited. The single exception is the space(area) in the second stick. This space(area) differs from the other spaces(rooms), because in him nothing is issued. I remain quite a while in this big empty space(area): the interesting structuralisation of the ground(bottom) moves me to stay. The ground(bottom) is damaged at some places and shows fine tears which study spontaneously for certain forms in my image(performance). Besides, particularly clearly the form of an old bottle or antique vase stands out. This impression do not read me any more off, while I asked myself how it could come to the developing of this structure on the ground(bottom). The space(area) had to be damp: also I looked round and discovered in the blanket a pool of water which resembles Fontaine. The water constantly dripping from the blanket has left here his(its) traces and simultaneously in artistic way has drawn forms in the rocky ground. The tears and the dripping water in the ground(bottom) tell a meaningful history(story) in their(her) way. It seems, as if the pool of water in the blanket and the only presented bottle on the ground(bottom) forms a paradoxical unity. Certainly, the bottle serves as a catchment basin, but it is about no real vessel, that is why the water can also not stay in it. The water must search to itself for his(its) way logically by the ground(bottom) and how study tears to the mark of his(its) presence. So is to be prevented, (like an old German proverb says), that the constant drop the stone aushölt.
Now this history(story) is found as an installation here in Como in the church San Francesco adjusted and the church adapts itself as a symbol for the eternity harmoniously in the picture of the eternal drop of water and grounds form of which the installation with the photo and the background noise of a drop of water tells."

Photo, glass, paving-stones, boxes, water drop casette, carpet

1 month

Photo by Nezaket Ekici